
The Stuff They Won’t Include in Any Tourist Guide: The Real England is a concise, direct, and not-so-gentle window into the depths of the leftovers of the world’s once greatest empire. It is told from the perspective of one lone (or not so lone) long term visitor. It informs one of the dregs of the country and helps to explain quaint British oddities such as the crack addicted chav.




41 responses to “About”

  1. eriscowan says :

    Wow, that was really entertaining read, albeit a little bleak. I had planned on moving to the UK a few years back, but changed my mind after just one month of being there. Grass is always greener on the other side until you get there I guess. I really enjoyed the illustrations in the book. Did you draw those? It reminded me of an anthropological survey of the post-modern malaise which afflicts so much of the world now. What can really do? It seems like trying to get away from it only spreads it further. I hope you find some nice place to visit next, but with the way things are going in the world right now, this could be a series…. :/


    • cassidyclay1 says :

      Thanks. The drawings are my attempt at breaking into a different field of work. Ha! We’re currently looking into countries that the English hate in the hopes that one of them will turn out to be paradise 😉


    • Rae Myst says :

      Better late than never. Wanted to thank you for following me after I posted “Hey Bitch”. Following back!


      • eriscowan says :

        Thanks. Words are interesting. A bitch is a female dog. Dogs are associated with determination, and so people are called dogged, or with distrust, so people are called cynical Perhaps it is that women have, more often than not, been discouraged from having determined minds or forming critical critical opinions, and so bitch came to mean something negative. I can see why some women would wear it as a term of self empowerment. Personally, I’d call some of my behavior as bitchy, and though I am male I’d occasionally refer to myself as a bitch.


      • eriscowan says :

        Haha, oops, I just realized you weren’t talking to me.


      • Rae Myst says :

        Lol. I just realized I had this message but thanks for educating me. I appreciate it and thanks for following!


  2. Jennwith2ns says :

    Hey–thanks for following the Jenn stories! I’m intrigued to read your book . . .


  3. whyarentwethere says :

    Hello….you subscribed to my blog, thanks. I am taking a course in England this summer, traveling through Germany and China as well. I wonder if you couldn’t shed some light on a first trip to London/Birmingham/Stratford. It’s a library science class on British archives and collections. Maybe we could meet for tea and crumpets….but this is sent from my phone, please email me and I WILL have read your entire blog Nd (maybe) purchased your book by then. Thanks Cassidyclay1


    • cassidyclay1 says :

      I plan on being on a nice beach this summer, maybe in Cyprus. I wish you all of the best with your journeys – and remember according to British law you can use “equal force” and equivalent weapons, meaning if they come at you with a weapon just take it off them and bash them over the head with it.


  4. matt says :

    Thanks for following my blog; I appreciate it.


  5. Corvidae in the Fields says :

    I’ve heard horror stories about England, London in particular. Apparently Little Britain is closer to fact than it is fiction.


  6. povp says :

    Thanks for the follow! Really like your style of writing.


  7. equinoxio21 says :

    Hi Cassidy. Thank you and merci for following Equinoxio. As a Frenchman (Yes, I’m a frog!) Born in India raised in Africa and living in Mexico for the past 25 years, I am sometimes surprised when I come back to Paris. Don’t tell me London is worse? (Haven’t been there in ten years)


    • cassidyclay1 says :

      They’ve taken to blaming everything for their own problems and behaviors in London – blaming everything but themselves, thus allowing the dangerous and stupid behaviors to have free reign. It doesn’t feel safe to me. How bad was it ten years ago? Maybe it has always been that way and the only thing that has changed are the brands they wear. Anyway, it is always nice to meet another global citizen 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.


  8. equinoxio21 says :

    My pleasure. Happy Easter!


  9. First Night Design says :

    Thanks so much for following Rogues & Vagabonds! I’m now going to explore your blog, which sounds right up my street!


  10. dianabuja says :

    Thanks for following my blog. Like the idea of writing about what is NOT in tourst guides – could do some amusing takes on both Kenya and Egypt, as well as several other places in Africa and the Middle East. Fun.


  11. Louise says :

    Thanks for following!!! 🙂


  12. wordswithnannaprawn says :

    When I started my blog I wrote a post explaining that I left England for Australia because the beaches are better here and the pebbles on them are not as big as my own head……..but there were so many more reasons! Thanks for the follow 🙂


  13. caraltalks says :

    Having lived in England for over 20 years, but not being English, I am really curious to read your book.
    Thanks for following my blog.


  14. Tracesofthesoul says :

    Your book looks quite intriguing. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I am curious about the Nannies of course since I work with children and youths.


  15. Outlier Babe says :

    Your writing is bare-to-the-bone perfect for this topic. So cold you are. Love it. (Could you hate them any more? Perhaps not hate, but…something.)

    Would also be interested to read you when you are highly pleased with something. Have a feeling you would excel there, as well. You don’t waste anything–just write the pith, don’t you? Quite a skill.

    Thank you so very much for the Follow. Feel honored having a writer/observer of your caliber on board.


    • cassidyclay1 says :

      I cross my heart and swear that I usually come away with a much more positive impression of most places. But there’s just something about England. Maybe it was waking up to the screams of crack head fights echoing down the street and right into my bedroom every morning….

      Liked by 1 person

      • Outlier Babe says :

        Hardly ever get around to anyone, but finally made it back over here tonight and…nothing new posted! Must mean you have a non-virtual life, unlike someone we won’t name.
        Congrats on that (she said bitterly, deciding to switch apps to stream yet another episode of [insert any mindless blither]).


  16. On the way to "the top" says :

    Love the idea of you giving insight as to what people wouldn’t normally get to know when visiting England. Very interesting!


  17. Maria Brinkley says :

    Hi cassidyclay,

    Thanks for the follow. Your blog looks very intriguing.

    I visited London a few years ago and found it to be a little puzzling for someone from Australia.

    I was not there long but felt as though there was a glass wall between me and London, somehow.

    Perhaps reading your blog will enlighten me. Cheers


  18. bytetime says :

    Thanks for following geokult-travel.com. Your blog looks very interesting so am following back 🙂


  19. momfawn says :

    Thank you for following me at Triggershorse. – Fawn


  20. nowheretogobuteverywhere says :

    Thanks for the follow! Happy blogging.:)


  21. Looking for the Light says :

    Thank you for stopping by my blog last week. I’m a bit behind on the follow up. Good luck with your book.


  22. complicitgrace says :

    Thank you for the follow…..love someone who can appreciate the darker side of humanity as there is plenty of meaningless fluff out there


  23. MyKoruLifestyle says :

    Thanks for following MyKoruLifestyle. Congrats on your book! I loom forward to reading more on your site.


  24. beebeesworld says :

    Thank you for following my blog. I will follow yours as well. best wishes, beebeesworld


  25. anna mosca says :

    Hi, I wanted to thank you for the follow. Please be aware that my blog is a bilingual one. So you may get links to most poems in English as well as to some in Italian… Pictures, on the other hand, have no language barriers 😉
    Keep up the good work.


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